CEA Sanctuaries

moccasin valley earth sanctuary

Thanks to a generous donation by Moccasin Valley INC the CEA gained ownership of this 44 acre camp in Erhard, Minnesota. This was done through a re-branding and updating of the mission and goals of the organization early 2021. This location will serve as a vehicle for us to carry out our mission of wildlife conservation and community education.


Read about and support our conservation initiatives below:


Less than 2% of Minnesota's prairie ecosystems remain. There are over 400 native bee species who rely on these ecosystems to repopulate and pollinate plant species. Support our initiative to create and place bee houses to provide shelter for solitary bee populations. We are also working to create and expand local prairie habitats in our sanctuaries.


Places will be established that provide resources necessary for monarchs to produce successive generations and sustain their migration. Without milkweeds throughout their spring and summer breeding areas in North America, monarchs would not be able to produce the successive generations that culminate in the migration each fall. Support our initiative to create spaces with plants that support butterfly populations. We are also creating a butterfly rearing and tracking program to expand what we know about butterfly conservation.


Places will be established that provide resources necessary for wildlife to access food, water, cover, and places to raise their young. Preserving the natural beauty of the land while creating areas that foster life to flourish is essential to restore land to its original state with woodlands teaming with life. Support our initiative to create multiple spaces throughout our sanctuaries that are recognized as National Wildlife Federation Wildlife Habitats.

Permaculture PROJECT

Permaculture is the food production future of the world. Learning how to produce the maximum amount of fruit, grain, and vegetable produce on the land in the most efficient ways possible is crucial as the human population continues to grow. We are currently working on creating a Forrest garden, and drafting curriculum/education weekends to share earth-centered production methods with the public through education days and weekends. We connect leaders in the field of sustainability with the public. Consider donating to support the efforts of our team.

greenhouse project

The greenhouse project will serve as a way to continue permaculture efforts year-round. Growing produce during the winter months is crucial to allowing us to grow and donate produce to local food shelves and supporting providing food for CEA education weekends. Portions of produce will also be donated to local animal sanctuaries. The greenhouse will serve as a focal point for educating youth groups and school groups on the fundamentals of gardening and growing produce using earth-centered practices with a focus on eating closer to the sun. Consider donating to support the building of a greenhouse at our Sanctuary.

Bat sanctuary project

Places will be established that provide resources necessary for the seven different bat species living in Minnesota. Safe and secure houses will be built and placed in areas of our sanctuaries to encourage local bat populations to grow and flourish. Houses will be built to simulate natural bat habitats between the bark of trees, and will be insulated to provide ideal warmth for raising young. Support our initiative to help foster local bat populations.